How to become a computer programmer?

 How to become a computer programmer?

Most jobs in computer scheduling require a bachelor's degree, although you can find some positions that accept a title of two years or even a certain certificate. If you go to the four-year route, keep in mind that universities and universities that are recognized by their mathematics or IT programs, usually, they will put it ahead of the package. Another way to get work experience is through an internship, which will also look good at potential employers.

"Beyond traditional grades, certifications are the basic currency of the IT professional. Fortunately and, unfortunately, there are innumerable certifications available and the value of each depends on where you want to" spend "your currency and who will" accept "," Lyons writes in an email. Here, Lyons attacks something frustrating. Some employers are not sure what they want when it comes to a computer programmer, so they end up asking for certifications that are expensive and consume a lot of time, and certifications may have little or no relationship with real work. To avoid this frustration, Lyons recommends reducing the preferred specialization of it in the field. He also recommends "request advice from people who work in the category and the environment in which you want to work, are probably the most appropriate to tell you what credentials you really need".

The average Americans work well in their 60 years, so workers can also have a job that is pleasant and a career that it fulfills. A work with a low level of stress, the good balance of working life and solid prospects to improve, promote and win a higher salary would make many employees happy. Next, the work satisfaction of computer programmers is carried out in terms of upward mobility, stress level and flexibility.

Computer programmers write the code that allows software programs to be executed. So as a boss tells an employee what to do, a programmer tells a computer to do. Basically, write instructions on C ++ and Python or other language, and the computer follows the detailed instructions of the programmer. In many cases, the work of a programmer will begin after a software or engineer developer passes the design specifications for a particular program. The programmer's work involves refining ideas and solving the problems that arise when converting the program into the code. Programmers can also rewrite, debug, maintain and test (and re-try and try again) and schedule programs that instruct the computer to perform certain tasks, such as storing or recovering data, so the computer can work better and from Most efficient way.

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Computer programming is an exciting industry that is still in its childhood, according to Jeff Lyons, founder and president of the National Association of Programmers. He writes in an email, "When I entered the industry, the Internet was a DARPA project [Defense Advanced Research Projects] and smartphones were not even a concept. Now, we have billionaires because they made it easy to search on the Internet only about Any theme that we can imagine. Today, our young children play with devices with more computing power than it was available to launch all the Apollo Missions that landed men on the Moon. Even more non. Nonnetécnicas can easily use these devices To access the collective knowledge of humanity. "

These innovations are due, nowhere, to skilled computer programmers.Programming is a highly detailed work, and generally involves fluency in several languages. The projects can be short and require only a few days of coding, or they can be very long, involving up a year to write. And because a large amount of programmer time will be spent only in front of a computer, teleworking is a benefit that many programmers take advantage of. The work can be stressful at times, but computer programmers are offset well for any anxiety they may experience.

Many works in this profession are being subcontracted to other countries where the payment is less, saving money to companies.the projects of the Office of Labor Statistics -7.2 percent of employment growth for computer programmers between 2018 and 2028. In that period, 17,900 jobs will be lost.

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